Price to Profits Consulting specializes in bold yet practical price moves and in guiding companies through a pricing transformation. We distinguish ourselves through three pillars:

  1. Proven Price Leaders: We don’t just consult. We have lived it and been accountable for delivering profit growth. We bring new practical perspectives, methods and best practices.

  2. Low-Cost Approach: We combine our high-level experts with your resources, and no overhead costs, to lower your cost. Our skill and methods ensure superior results in a fraction of the time.

  3. Competency Building: We do it with you (not for your or to you), training your team as we go, so you build your internal competency.

Pricing Strategy & Tactics

Maximize your profits through near and long-term pricing and policy strategies and tactics – whether you have favorable market dynamics or are in a crisis.

  • Identify price increase (or decrease) opportunities to optimize profits

  • Build practical pricing policies

  • Develop market/customer segments and differential treatment strategies

  • Prepare for changing market conditions or scenarios

  • Align and empower marketing & sales organizations for successful execution

Accomplished through a combination of consulting, deep data analyses, internal interviews, and market dynamics assessments along with training and strategy development workshops.

Price Increase & Negotiation Training

Build the confidence and skill of your sales and marketing organizations to make smart pricing decisions, negotiate their best prices and improve the success of price increases.

  • Learn behaviors to influence the market and defuse aggressive price pressure

  • Identify your pricing power and market dynamics favorable for price increases

  • Develop your increase rationale and talking points to your customers toughest questions

  • Assess the impact of pricing changes on your volume to optimize profits

  • Align and empower the marketing & sales organizations to execute with high confidence

Delivered through training and strategy workshops tailored to your business dynamics. We combine best practice learning with applying these practices to your situation. Pragmatic excel based tools are used to enable smart pricing decisions, and prepare for broad-based price increases and price negotiations.

Value-based Pricing & Selling

Learn how to value-price then value-sell your unique specialty products and services to win deals at the highest appropriate price.

  • Identify customer needs and quantify the value to your customers

  • Validate your value case with the market

  • Set your value-based price

  • Develop your value-selling story

  • Prepare for your price negotiation(s)

Delivered through applied – training workshops with expert guidance as business project teams develop the value-price for their own select products. Excel based tools are used to facilitate the price setting and selling as well as enable leveraging to future products.

Pricing Competency

Develop the competency of your business to deliver superior pricing and profits year after year.

  • Assess your business’s pricing competency across culture, people, processes, and systems

  • Establish a 2-year roadmap of prioritized actions and programs to advance your pricing competency and tackle your toughest pricing challenges

  • Design or develop pricing organizations, sales compensation programs, pricing processes and policies

Accomplished through a ~2-week Rapid Price Transformation Assessment, consulting projects or a Price Transformation Training Workshop.